It is the end of March and if you have not made your summer vacation arrangements ... now is a good time !
Do not miss out on a great horseback riding vacation for 2011.
We are very excited to announce a few excellent NEW RIDES that we recently added to our program.

Colca Canyon Explorer Ride on Peruvian Pasos Arequipa, Peru
11 days / 10 nights, regular rate $2,195
Special Exploratory Ride April 19 to 29 !!
Mario Vargas Llosa, the Peruvian novelist and most famous Arequipeño, described Colca as "The Valley of Wonders." That is no literary overstatement. Colca is one of the most scenic regions in Peru, a land of imposing snow-capped volcanoes, narrow gorges, artistically terraced agricultural slopes that predate the Incas, arid desert landscapes and vegetation, and remote traditional vill...
Colle dell'Orso - through the Valley of the Bear Abruzzo/Molise, Italy
8 days / 7 nights, regular rate $1,425
Ride with the wild horses and visit the enchanting Magic Forest... Come explore the Alto Molise with its rolling hills, vast meadows and forest lands from the comforts of a Western saddle and one of our handsome and trusty Quarter horses, Appaloosas or Paints.
Nature Park Rides in Abruzzo and Majella Abruzzo/Molise, Italy
8 days / 7 nights, regular rate $1,710
This exciting new trip starts out in the Province of Isernia in the region of Molise and ventures into the Abruzzo region just north of there. This is a region largely forgotten by the tourist hords that you can find in Tuscany or Amalfi - even the local Italian travelers have jet not discovered the "Jewel in the Rough". I
Kingdom of Castile Ride - across the Gredos Mountains Central Spain, Spain
7 days / 6 nights, regular rate $1,625
Once upon a time the Kingdom of Castile was a medieval kingdom of the Iberian Peninsula; today it is known as a historical plot of central Spain. The kingdom emerged as a political autonomous entity in the 9th century and this ride explores the territory that was once developed and patrolled by nobles and peasants on horseback: the breathtaking region of the Gredos Mountains.
Kaleidoscope Ride across Israel Galilee, Israel
9 days / 8 nights, regular rate $2,480
This is our most complete and challenging exploration of the Israeli countryside on horseback. This intensive horse tour touches three different geographic locations all in one trip. Starting in Nazareth we will ride through the mountainous Galilee into the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee. We will follow in the footsteps of ancient pilgrims to Jerusalem on horseback
Hidden Trails Equestrian Vacation Book
The 196 page Equestrian Book is still available Free of Charge
for limited time + NO shipping and handling charges for within the USA and Canada.
-- Please note: this vacation book does not have any actual dates and rates listed ! It has the same information as the book you may have received last May, 2010
Special Offers:
All of our Special offers can be found on our Specials pages.
Hidden Trails Blog:
Since you are probably reading this newsletter on our Blog -- you already know that it is live and ready for your comments and input.
We hope it will be a good vehicle for exchange of ideas. Go to Blog
Social Networks:
Your can now follow us on Facebook ( and Twitter .. or stay in touch with the latest updates and subscribe to our RSS Feed.
Thanks for your continued interest and support.
If we do not hear from you before the Holidays -
we all wish you and your loved ones a relaxing and enjoyable Holiday Season !
Kind regards,
Ryan Schmidt
Hidden Trails
659A Moberly Road
Vancouver, BC
Canada V5Z 4B3
- Explore the World on & with Hidden Trails -
Over 300 riding and outdoor destinations are listed on our
Tel: 604-323-1141
Fax: 604-323-1148